Cycle Windsor

Motion shot from below of man mountain biking

Cycling is an excellent form of physical activity that also provides convenient, affordable and sustainable transportation. Regular physical activity is known to have positive impacts on our health, such as helping to prevent and treat health conditions, relieving stress and tension and assisting in maintaining a healthy body weight. Choosing cycling (or walking, running, in-line skating, skateboarding, scootering, etc.) as your mode of transportation also helps reduce traffic congestion and emissions and can improve mental health and provide positive economic impacts on personal lives as well as the community.

The City is committed to enhancing our cycling network and connecting communities through active transportation. Whether you plan to visit one of Windsor's beautiful parks, explore tourism attractions (Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island), or make future plans to explore Ontario by Bike, always remember safety first – wear a helmet and brightly coloured clothing, use bicycle bells and lights, and follow the rules of the road. For cycling safety tips, check out the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) cycling safety guide.

To incorporate Transit Windsor bus service into your cycling commute, visit Transit Windsor.

Walk Wheel Windsor cover showing cyclists and pedestrians on the riverfornt trailWalk Wheel Windsor - Windsor's Active Transportation Master Plan

Walk Wheel Windsor provides a vision along with policies and actions to guide the development of a well-connected and attractive active transportation network over the next 20 years that is safe, convenient and user-friendly for people of all ages and abilities and all modes of active transportation. Visit WalkWheelWindsor for the report and updates. 

Parks, trails and recreation map sampleParks, Trails & Recreation Map

Each year, Transportation Planning Services offers free citywide maps to help locate our existing cycling facilities, parks, public bike repair service stations, transit connections, dog parks, spray pads and more. Our Parks, Trails & Recreation Map is available for pickup at local bike shops. For questions, comments, or to have the maps distributed at an event or location, please contact Transportation Planning Services. 

Find an electronic version here: Parks, Trails & Recreation Map (Map Only)

Bird Canada Inc. E-Scooter and E-Bike Share Program

Bird Canada Inc. is providing an e-scooter and e-bike rental service throughout the city between April and October.

Bike or Hike the Gordie Howe International Bridge logoGordie Howe International Bridge:
Pathway for Pedestrians and Cyclists

The first international bride to become a part of the Trans Canada Trail!

For more information, visit Gordie Howe International Bridge Multi-use Path.

Bicycle Registry

Windsor Police Service has created a bicycle registration program to help protect bicycles owned by residents of Windsor and the surrounding area, especially citizens that commute to Windsor by bicycle. This program will increase the chances of having your bicycle returned to you if it is lost or stolen.

Please visit the Windsor Police Bicycle Registry page for more information and to register your bike or e-bike today!

Blue W Refill your bottle here logoTap Water Refilling Stations 

Windsor is working with the Blue W Program to identify locations where you can refill your reusable bottle with tap water for free.

Finding a Blue W location is easy: Go to and enter your location on the mapping tool. The nearest Blue W sites will appear. 

Bike Locker Rentals

Bike lockers are available for rent inside Parking Garage #2, located at Park Street West and Pelissier Street. The cost is $10 per month.

Surveillance cameras are monitored from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday (holidays excepted).

To rent a bike locker, please contact the parking permit coordinator at 519-255-6247 or in person at 1266 McDougall Street. 

Bike racks are also provided on the ground floor free of charge. Bring your own bike lock.
Bike rack and locker locations at Pelissier garage

Bicycle Friendly Communities Bronze Award

Bicycle Friendly Communities Bronze Award logoThe City of Windsor received an inaugural Bicycle Friendly Communities Bronze Award from the Share the Road Cycling Coalition (SRCC) in 2011. View the Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Communities Award. In 2015 and 2019, the City of Windsor renewed their Bronze Level designation.

Transportation Planning
1266 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N8X 3M7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (holidays excepted)

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact by email.